Monday, August 17, 2009

Quick Update

Things are going well. I am literally smashed as I just put in the last 3 big days before a 6/7 day taper for Nationals… Today when I woke up I felt like I was hit by a truck (and the legs felt like I run a marathon) but this week is all about recovery.

Through the week I will be decreasing volume and maintaining speed by keeping intensity high. I am really looking forward to Sunday and what I can do when I am in near peak condition. Why near peak? Well, first of all because a 6 day taper is not going to be enough to repair 24hrs a week of training for the last 8 months non stop (except for those 3 days I was forced to take a couple of months ago!)

The plan is to peak for Worlds. Unfortunately Worlds are 3 weeks after nationals and therefore a balancing act had to be done. The 2 races are too close together to peak twice and have 2 good tapers, but too far apart to peak for nationals and stay in peak shape 3 weeks later… ohh well... I am doing what I think its best with the helpful insight of Alan (LETC Coach) and some other people.

My mom is getting here today, which means tomorrow I get home made food! Awesomeeeeee… Unfortunately I wont be able to go all out on her cooking as I have in the past (gaining 6lb in 3 weeks of her delicious cooking) because of both races, but I will make sure that I get most of my calories from her food and not other snacks =)

On another note, I was cleaning my bike yesterday and realized that a while ago I took a picture of my machine (I was also cleaning it then…) but never got a chance to post it. So here it is, race ready with all the help I can get =P



Eze said...

What a beauty!

Anonymous said...

So very pretty....